Tuesday, November 9, 2010

DAY 73: Fall Fall Fall...Winter?

The last day of pretty fall, now we wait for snow...definitely not my favorite transition.

DAY 72: cozy cozy cozy

Dear Target boys section, thank you for carrying my size in footies.

DAY 71: 12:01am

Super fun start to my thursday...cramming for a journalism exam.

DAY 70: more MAIL

So I know I've been over how exciting mail is, but mail from Kathrin in Germany who recently visited Rome...even more exciting :)

DAY 69: Voting Day

Just in case you weren't convinced yet, it's Autumn here, and it's really really pretty.

DAY 68: The river

Well, when Tuesday is voting day, aka no school, why not go hang out by the river monday night...even the stoop kids thought it was a good idea.

DAY 67: Happy Halloween!

What better Sunday activity than hiking the M.

DAY 66: tic-tac-toe!

Well it started as a creative costume...then I lost my X's and O's all over the place...so much for good velcro.

DAY 65: Halloween night 1

"So you just happened to have a cow costume lying around?.." yeah actually.

DAY 64: sidewalk?

beautiful beautiful Missoula in the fall

DAY 63: Ouch

At work they call it a "Jimmy tat." I call it "Sophie get the bread out of oven for the first time attempt to 'burp' it pan unbalanced ouch hot bread pan on arm.....burn" point made?

DAY 62: snoowwww

The first day of many I can watch it snow in the mountains from my dorm room window...loving it.

DAY 61: Welcome Home

Excellent week ahead of me: work midterm work exam registration exam work...

DAY 60: Tourist-y

So I've been to Seattle several times, but it still wouldn't be right to not take a picture of the space needle.

DAY 59: Hello Seattle

Rain rain rain...and multiple lane freeway driving,  and seeing family!

DAY 58: Eyes on the road

See you later Okanogan, hello Methow Valley...next destination: Bellingham.


This is the first time we left MT in...2 months, the beginning of a whirlwind crazy fun weekend.

DAY 56: Estudio Estudias Estudia Estudiamos Estudian

Flashcards para la clase de Espanol

DAY 55: Decisions&Discoveries

Final decision was made to roadtrip to Washington! And it doesn't really count as a discovery because I've seen the rock-climbing wall before, but it was the first day I climbed it.

DAY 54: Dentist.

This was intended to be a funny picture to show a select few friends, where i would be present to explain, "I tried so hard to smile but my face would do this!"....but unfortunately i forgot to take another picture of the day, so I hope you find it as funny as I do.

DAY 53: Just another walk by the river

I suppose IF I ever had to sleep under a bridge, this wouldn't be a bad view to wake up to.

DAY 52: Aloha

On campus, we have a "hello walk" with greetings in lots of different languages. As if our lovely campus isn't welcoming enough.

DAY 51: Friends

This picture was taken shortly after being told "You become real friends with someone after taking pictures with them"...so naturally we took pictures.

DAY 50: Biking home at 10

So, I'm a fan of the bike lane don't get me wrong, but until one is familiar with it for some time, being that close to traffic is a little (very) frightening.

DAY 49: day 1.

My first shift at the new job, Jimmy Johns.


Getting mail, especially that containing cookies, brownies and happy notes....is one of the best best best events ever.

DAY 47: Over-achievers

How many college dorm rooms have a "wall of achievements" cut out of foam letters? One. It belongs to Jill and Carly.

DAY 46: Footie Pajamas!

Annie and Carly in their footies. I am now the proud owner of a pair with rocket ships and starts on them.

DAY 45: Monte!

Monte, the Montana Grizzly mascot, is awesome.

DAY 44: Lost.

So there I was, on my way to the dentists office...not located on any bus route...and not recognizing any street names. 5-10 ish blocks later I found it, on time!

Monday, November 8, 2010

DAY 43: lights

What is it about Christmas lights hanging in a room that make it cozy?

DAY 42: Tall (ish) buildings

In Okanogan, we don't have buildings with views, unless you consider someones house on a hill. This is out the window of my new Dr.'s office...not that it's an amazing view, but a view nonetheless.

DAY 41: The oval

For some reason, I walk all the way around the oval to get the UC instead of cutting across. Every time. And I always take the shorter way on the way back. Always.

DAY 40: Missoula everything.

This is, for the most part, my life as of right now.

DAY 39: Jogging? Good idea.

The path by the river, just another reason to love Missoula.

DAY 38: leaves leaves leaves

You just can't be sad while throwing leaves, or jumping in them or walking on them and hearing that "crunch."

DAY 37: Officially pumpkin season

October first, the beginning of jack-o-lanterns, "what are you going to be for Halloween?" conversations, and my personal favorite: Pumpkin everything...including the DQ pumpkin pie blizzards, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pie smoothies...mmmmm.

DAY 36: yelloooww

I could never live somewhere for any extensive length of time where the leaves don't change in the fall.

DAY 35: 11:59...I haven't taken a pic today yet!

These hang above my roommates bed