Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DAY 34: Tattoo Tuesday!

Not only did Carly acquire one parking ticket and one speeding ticket in one day... but her and Jill got tattoos, then we ate at Pita Pit and Big Dipper! (best ice cream ever)

DAY 33: Lights

Missoula from the south hills

DAY 32: "Such is life"

Jill actually ended up getting this on her wrist not her foot, and it looks perfect!

DAY 31: Homecoming!

beautiful day, balloons for the parade, brunch, beating sac state in football...es bueno.

DAY 30: Soccer!

So, there we were in the middle of my first intramural soccer game, and here comes a para-glider...he proceeded to land in the middle of the field mid-game, everyone stared a little, then continued to play like nothing happened. Just another reason I love it here :)

DAY 29: Downtown

A man-made surf-wave built on the the Clark Fork, a carousel, and a perfect park for festivals and farmers market...downtown Missoula is the best.

DAY 28: Get ready for Homecoming!

Hall Decorating

DAY 27: Job Interview

View downriver from the footbridge

DAY 26: The Rec Center

Working out between 9-11 pm is perfect. It's not crowded, chances are there's no schedule conflicts and you can go straight home, shower and go to bed!

DAY 25: Feels like Fall

The leaves start to change, the air is crisp, it smells autumn-y, and it just feels like the beginning of fall.

DAY 24: Hiking, beautiful views, family

Missoula from the top of Mt. Sentinel

DAY 23: Mom

mom: "Sophie i heard you rode your bike here without a helmet. This is not ok, I did not raise you to not wear a helmet. Pinky promise you will wear it from now on? I know your 18. Pinky promise?!"(pic was taken minutes before conversation)

DAY 22: Inspiration

"Friends are more important than money"

DAY 21: Sillyness

We love Photobooth! (college code for "its more fun than studying")

DAY 20: oh reality...

So...I hate doing laundry in the dorms...therefore it builds up, notice the giant pile in the corner of my closet.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

DAY 10: Go Griz!!

Welcome to Montana Grizzly Football.

DAY 9: So Missoula

 I apologize for the horrible photo quality...but this is so Missoula, we just happened to walk by a really good brass band playing on a street corner. Also, it wasn't the only good street band we saw that night, in addition to some sidewalk graffiti that said "PEACE"

Friday, September 3, 2010


Soooo.....4 classes back-to-back isn't excacly super fun...but then my friends an I decided to go this crazy intense workout at the rec. center...and for some reason we're going back next week.

DAY 7: Wonderful Weather Wednesday

rain, class, rain, workout, job interview, raiiiinnnn

DAY 6: Discovering the Food Court

The food court in the University Center has way more options than the place we regularly eat...and way more windows.